Canadian International School of Kuwait
Code of Conduct
Students and parents may access a student’s unofficial transcript in the Academy Student Information System (SIS) by selecting the Transcript option from the main menu. Official transcripts, with the Academy seal, are available upon request. To request an Official Transcript, a student or parent should complete a transcript request form. Students must be in good financial standing to receive an official transcript. There is no fee for ordering a transcript.
Right to Privacy Policy
Academy respects a student’s right to privacy by following the guidelines set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This law protects the privacy of a student’s education records. Academy must have written permission from the student/legal guardian in order to release information from that student’s education record.
Academy Student Code of Conduct
Academy adheres to set policies to maintain the academic integrity of its curriculum, students, and staff. The policies address the consequences for noncompliance, as noted below. All students must read and sign the Student Code of Conduct below in order to proceed with the enrollment process.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct, in any form, is not tolerated. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, copying another student’s work or allowing another student to copy your work.
If academic misconduct is found, the following consequences will result:
Defiance of Authority/Insubordination
Disobedience or noncompliance toward any staff member of Academy is considered insubordination. That includes refusal to maintain communication with Academy staff. An act of insubordination may occur in any situation or communication, including, but not limited to, in an email, during a phone conversation, or in person.
If defiance of authority or insubordination is found, the following consequences will result:
Computer Misuse
Any student who attempts to access the secure information of Vision Academy or Vision International or its affiliates in an improper manner, uses another student’s or staff member’s log-in information to gain access to information, intentionally attempts to obtain access to areas or information not open to normal access, or engages in any act similar to the above, has committed a computer misuse.
If computer misuse is found, the following consequences will result:
Deviation from the above consequences: Notwithstanding anything in this Policy to the contrary, Academy reserves the right to modify the consequences or action taken against a student violating this Policy in Academy’s sole discretion for reasons including, but not limited to, the severity of or damages caused by the violation or to ensure compliance with applicable law.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Cyber bullying, or bullying in any form, is not acceptable behavior for any student enrolled in classes with Vision Academy. Any student found to be involved in these activities will immediately be withdrawn from Academy.
Vision Academy uses this definition of cyber bullying: cyber bullying is the use of the internet and related technologies (cell phones, smart phones, etc.) to harass, hurt, embarrass, or humiliate other people. Using these technologies to act
or speak in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner with the intent to harm others is also cyber bullying or cyber stalking.
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
The internet is a compilation of many networks that supports the open exchange of information for research and educational purposes. The internet can be accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Students must understand that by using the network, their actions can be monitored at any time by a teacher or administrator.
Internet–Terms and Conditions of Use
Academic Integrity Contract